There's no other purchase category that can make you lose your mind faster than one-of-a-kind buys. These are unique and sometimes one of a kind items that we find at thrift stores, second hand, or at stores like Homegoods. While it can be thrilling to find these items, we often spend more in this area than we have planned simply because we "lose our minds" in these situations. Many of you have asked "How can I approach these situations with more control and discipline?" and that's exactly the qustion I'm providing answers to in this week's episode.
In this episode of the podcast, Paige is walking you through her four step process on how to not lose your mind with one-of-a-kind buys. She explains what actually happens in your brain with purchases like this, the easiest thing you can do in the moment to ease the scarcity, how to work through worst case scenarios and how to be better eqiupped in situations like this so you're not overspending, going into debt, or sabotaging your finances. Enjoy!
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TikTok: @overcoming_overspending