Have you ever told yourself that you can't pay off your debt becuase you don't make enough? Have you ever counted yourself out of building wealth because you work in a lower-income industry? If you've ever fallen into either of these traps, then this week's episode of the podcast with my guest Allison Baggerly, Founder of Inspired Budget, is one you cannot miss.
Allison alongside her husband paid off over $111,000 of debt on two teachers salaries over a span of four and a half years. In this fun conversation between two friends talking finance Allison shares the ups and downs of their journey, where they started, the biggest keys to their success and their biggest mistakes along the way. Allison also walks you through how to create your first mini budget so that you can start budgeting today (and don't have to wait until you're paid again or the first of the month). You can find and work with Allison using the links below. Enjoy!
Find and Work with Allison:
FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop
Get Paige’s Money Recommendations
Work with Paige:
Join the Overcoming Overspending Membership HERE
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Where you can find Paige online:
Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com
Instagram: @overcoming_overspending
TikTok: @overcoming_overspending