Your brain (and mine) is lazy. Very lazy. Your brain was designed to seek pleasure, avoid challenges, and expend the least amount of energy possible. Becuase of that, doing hard and challenging things like getting out of debt, finding a new and higher paying job, hitting a million dollar net worth are... hard. But just becuase something is hard and challenge doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. In fact, I believe that harder that something is, the more you should pursue it. For most things, the harder something is the more meaningful it is becuase the more it changes and evolves you into a better version of yourself.
In this episode of The Money Love Podcast we're breaking down how to do hard and challenging things. Paige walks you through her best 5 tips that you can deploy so that you'll seek out and pursue challenging things. Enjoy!
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TikTok: @overcoming_overspending