Author and self-improvement educator Sean Rosensteel (@seanrosensteel) battled addiction and financial ruin as a young man. Now, as a married father, he shares his philosophy of intentional living, a set of core beliefs that he credits with changing his life, his career, and his relationships for the better.
Sean shares the story of how filing for bankruptcy before the age of 30 led him on the path of enlightenment, starting at his local library. Sean talks about his journey to understanding how not to exist just to survive, but how to actively thrive and be successful using positivity and letting go of unnecessary burdens. He discusses how he treated is financial difficulty as a chance for a new start, and how learning how to "triage" your time and resources can help add stability to your life. He also discusses his marriage and how other authors' works helped his relationship improve. He also gives his thoughts on the modern, app-driven "hook-up" culture and why he thinks it could cause long-term damage to how we view romance and relationships.
About the Guest:
Sean Rosensteel is the author of The School of Intentional Living and the founder of The Intentional Living Academy.
With a passion for helping others, Sean’s journey began when he found himself bankrupt at the age of 28 after following conventional wisdom all his life. This eye-opening moment taught him that attaining true happiness and fulfillment means breaking free of societal chains and creating your own path.
Now, he hopes to inspire and empower his readers to achieve their dreams and live the lives they truly deserve.
Sean currently lives in the Dallas, TX area with his loving wife, Karen, and their three young children.
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Sean Rosensteel
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