Adam Williams got into fitness, nutrition and natural healing as a way to rehab injuries he got playing college football, and joins the program to talk about how to get your body healed and fit without using pharmaceuticals and lab-manufactured chemicals. He talks about how chiropractic treatment has helped him and why he feels many holistic and homeopathic treatments are shunned by the mainstream. He discusses his life as a bodybuilder, and what it’s like being in a relationship with someone who is also into the competitive fitness lifestyle. He goes into specifics about his regimen, and the best way to find a starting point for weight training if you’re starting your fitness journey. He believes alcohol is one of the worst things for the body, and surf & turf the best. He talks intermittent fasting, supplements, and relationships & dating while getting fit.
Adam then talks about how he met his partner, what inspired him to relocate to The Netherlands to be with her, and some of the introspection they have done together to improve their relationship. He also explains some of the cultural differences between the US and The Netherlands, and what it’s like being an African-American living in a foreign country, including a recent frightening & racist encounter that almost turned even worse. He also tells about how COVID has been handled there, and what worries him about responses worldwide.
He also gives some great tips on low-impact workouts people can do at home, and how to deal with pain & injuries while exercising.
About the Guest:
Adam Williams emigrated to the Netherlands in 2016. He was born in Indianapolis, IN and lived all over the USA as a child. His father was a corporate champion in cable television and his family followed him around the country; at the age of 17 he’d had 17 addresses. After graduating from Rice University (Houston, TX) Adam went to work on Wall Street as a Derivatives Trader, where he rose to serving as a Director at Merrill Lynch and Jefferies. Adam is a lifelong athlete, he played 14 years of American Football and has been competing in Natural Bodybuilding for the past three years, his next competition is the INBA European Championship in Florence, Italy on October 24th. He became obsessed with Liberty during the aftermath of the financial crisis and has spoken about Virtues & Freedom on stages like Anarchapulco.
Adam is a world traveler & is a student of Austrian Economics, De-Centralization strategies, Human Consciousness and the Occult. He is excited to bring his passion and zest for life to this Discovery.
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