Welcome to the first episode of Testing 1-2-3, a new podcast from NI, where we speak to engineers, experts, and those on the forefront of some of the world’s biggest inventions and possibilities, to look at the world around us from the lens of testing. Get ready to deepen your knowledge, experience some “eureka” moments, and have fun in the process.
In the first episode, we explore how we created a modern world complete with appliances, automobiles, and aircrafts ready for everyday use and consumption. We know rigorous and repeated testing is important, but what happens when things go wrong?
We welcome two experts to talk about why testing is so important, so overlooked, and yet so underrated. The first guest, Melanie Cragnolin, brings her 17 years of experience in structural engineering to discuss the negligence of three historic engineering failures: the Titanic sinking, the Hindenburg, and the Tacoma Narrows bridge. The conversation then shifts to the value of test in aviation with former test pilot Chris Solan, who explains why he may be the most relaxed person on the plane.
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