Now that the last of us have caught up, the Nerds finally sit down for a little remote cawfee tawk on the 2024, first person, release In a Violent Nature. That's right, all the juicy details...including that epic ending! Where do they think it falls on the list of "slasher in the woods" subgenre? Where would YOU put it? Who just takes a conveniently placed necklace in the middle of the woods? Did you ever see a head come apart like that? How terrifying is it to just helplessly lie there while your inevitable demise it being demonstrated right before your eyes? Who needs a key when you can just use your (or anyone's) head? And most importantly...Who TF is Johnny?
Feel the need for more after this shorter than usual episode? Easy, just go back to our pre-release interview, with Charlotte Creaghan, either here, of on our YouTube channel.
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