Ep 28: In which I chat with not one, but two climate scientists about the IPCC's latest Working Group II report, and how to deal with the psychological toll that this fuckery is having on all of us who are paying attention. Feat. NASA scientist Peter Kalmus and atmospheric scientist, Ella Gilbert.
You can view the video version of this interview on our YouTube channel - which we recommend as it includes our faces :)
👉 You can follow Peter Kalmus here
👉 You can find Ella Gilbert's YouTube channel here
👉 Links:
🔹 IPCC 6th Assessment Report
🔹 IPCC Working Group II Report (2022)
🔹 IPCC Working Group I Report (2021)
🔹 Australian Psychology Society guide for ‘Coping with Climate Change Distress’
🔹 Peter Kalmus's book: Being the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution
Other climate scientist YouTubers to check out:
🔹 Zentouro 🔹 Climate Adam 🔹 Simon Clark
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👉 Editor and Producer: Ellen Burbidge
🎹 Music by Tom Day
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