This episode of the Wired Educator Podcast is my ADE Worldwide Institute #EveryoneCanCreate Project 2018.
I am Kelly Croy, and I have created a podcast teaching you how to podcast. I am an Apple Distinguished Educator Class of 2011.
I want to show the world that everyone can create podcasts.
I will provide you with the WHY of Podcasting and HOW to do it.
Podcasting is the most personal and intimate form of social media. It lends itself well to multi-tasking. It is essentially just growing your classroom a little bigger and gives you to make the world your classroom.
I will show you the tools you need and how to start making your first podcast today!
Mentioned in this podcast:
Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.
Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcastand subscribe. Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcastwith over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development. Visit the Wired Educator blog at Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leaderfor a school book study or your personal library. Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook. • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter. • Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram