In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews April Requard. April is an Apple Distinguished Educator, and she has given an amazing TED Talk about the SWAT Team (Students Working to Advance Technology) she created at her school. Kelly and April talk about all of this, her film festival at her schoo, iTunes U, and so much! You will find many take-aways for all educators and administrators in any learning environment in this episode. Enjoy!
April is an Instructional Technology Teacher at North Star Elementary in Albuquerque. April began her teaching career as a third grade teacher before moving into the role of technology teacher several years later. This role switch truly changed the trajectory in April’s career path and ever since then, April has been committed to teaching students and teachers how to infuse technology tools in the classroom to achieve learning which was once not possible. April has also worked as a professional development specialist where she worked alongside educators and leaders to provide high quality professional development for innovative and effective use of digital resources and technology integration in their classrooms. April has a passion to inspire teachers and school leaders with powerful, engaging, and meaningful learning experiences by enhancing learning with technology tools and creative curriculum resources. April is a published author and has created two published courses in iTunes University. She is an avid educational blogger ( and believes strongly in the power of social media for educators to grow and expand their professional learning network. April is an Apple Distinguished Educator and is part of a growing number of teachers looking to change the educational landscape by using powerful technology tools.
Mentioned in this Podcast: April's Blog: April is onTwitter: @AprilRequard April's Ted Talk: Here are April's iTunes U Courses and iBooks:Aprils favorite book: Tacky the Penguin series.
Ecamm Software: makers of Call Recorder and more!
Kelly's $68 microphone: Audio Technica ATR2100 USB
Carl Hooker: iPadpalooza Conference: I interview Carl about that here.
Kelly's Educator's Entrepreneur Weekend: Limited to 4 rooms only.
Kelly mentioned reading this book: Pathways to the Common Core: Accelerating Achievement
Kelly's current favorite iPad App: Comic Draw by Plasq.