Happy New Year!
This episode is not an interview with an educational leader. This episode is me reflecting on my year, the impact I made, the setbacks and success I experienced, and the lessons I learned.
One year ago I sat down with my Moleskine Journal and set a bunch of goals for 2023. One of the goals was to keep myself accountable by posting a podcast of me breaking down each goal on how I did. I set over 50 goals for 2023. Find out how I did. Perhaps you will be motivated to set some goals for yourself.
It is always difficult to hit the publish button on a blog, podcast, or post, but I always look at it from the perspective of an educator... to help others. If someone can benefit from my success or setbacks that is yet another benefit.
I do not post this podcast to brag or make excuses. I made it keep myself accountable. The process was actually quite humbling.
One of the goals of Wired Educator is to help people "level up to make a difference." Perhaps this episode will do that for others.
I tried my best to make this episode fun.
I'm a gig goal setter. I love it. I must admit though, I learned I set way too many goals. I made a ton of progress, but the finish line escaped me for many.
I also tried to share some of the tools and systems I use to set goals. I will post on www.kellycroy.com on that in the next few days.
I do believe I am going to make this an annual event. It was hard to admit that I didn't make the big three goals I set. That stung. Hopefully that will motivate me.
In this episode:
Moleskine Journal: If it’s worth writing down, put it in your Moleskine. Don’t use napkins, sticky notes, or scraps of paper. Put it where you can find it. This is the exact notebook I use as my day to day journal. I love absolutely everything about it. This is where I record my ideas and anything of importance. If you read my posts and hear me speak, you know how important a journal is to my lifestyle and productivity. I don’t go anywhere without my Moleskine.
Do you like what you heard? Invite Kelly to speak at your school. Interested in booking Kelly for your Next Event? Yes! Let's Make it happen right HERE!Order Kelly’s books, Along Came a Leader and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library.
Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
Twitter: @kellycroy
Instagram: @kcroy
Website: kellycroy.com and wirededucator.com
Podcast: The Wired Educator Podcast
and of course: Facebook.
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