Chinese Energetics with Paul Wong is a chance to open up your heart. Paul has a unique approach to healing using both ancient wisdom blended with modern healing modalities such as Body Talk, Vortex Healing, Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Qigong and a wave of mystical practices.
He has developed his own healing programme, The Art of Neutrality ™, which has grown out of his teachings and learnings and very recently has extended into a 'heart healing' process that he recognises is a major tool is shifting the consciousness of his clients into a space of love and oneness.
Paul's own journey began with his own asthmatic condition that he wanted to heal. Over 15 years he has worked with thousands of people all over the world with their emotional and physical challenges.
During this interview with Paul he very generously offers to take us through a session to release 'unhelpful' emotions from our hearts. In this session he focuses on clearly issues relating to our mothers - just by listening to this interview, you too can clear these maternal issues (and to some degree we all have them).
Notice how you can literally 'feel' the layers of emotions float away and you feel lighter and more energised at the end of the interview.