Journeying to the darkest, deepest depths of his soul, Jacob Sokol went to hell and back to discover who he was and what he was supposed to be doing with his life. On the outside all had been looking as 'others' thought it should. On the inside was destruction, searing pain, and an emotional cavern. His emotional holocaust had begun.
Jacob then did everything against the grain, just for the fun and the hell of it! Old patterns were shed, despite the cries of 'you're crazy' from his loved ones. Piece by piece the jigsaw of his life, his job, his girlfriend and almost his mind, disintegrated. Piece by piece he slowly created a new one, examining each piece carefully to be sure it was a good fit.
On the way he discovered and studied, thousands of hours of Philosophy and realised that there was a whole life raft of crucial learning that College had not given him. This gave birth to his coaching business, Sensophy.
In this, heart lifting interview, Jacob is enthralling as a raconteur of his story. Never shying away from sharing his emotions with us, he lays his soul bare in his passion for guiding and supporting others to find a way to 'Living on Purpose'.
Join us on this voyage of peeling back the layers and discovering how each of us has the same desire and drive to create magic and joy in our lives.