How would it be to embrace an experience that you have always been frightened of? Maybe it is a new business, a new relationship, re-locate abroad, learn to least metaphorically... Dr. Dain Heer helped us to understand spent time what is really holding us back from leading the most incredible life where we can play full out, experience joy and be happy and feel an incredible lightness on the inside that tells us we are doing just fine.
'Access Consciousness' is a process that creates energetic shifts in us and hence our world. Dain travels the world to teach and share his tools.
And here's the really exciting and liberating part of it. Dain believes that we should not need to do the 'feeling the fear and doing it anyway' style self help, that can worsen our feelings of self-worth and leave us feeling even more disempowered literally exhausted. What if you no longer heard the voice of fear going off in your head every time you wanted to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone? Imagine just been really excited like a kid going off on a new adventure?
We adored our time with Dain. He definitely speaks our language. Dain is on a mission to make the world a happier place and is very generous with him time and his tools for effecting long lasting change. This is a really fun, lively and transformative interview. Treat yourself to some time out and tune in to Dain's joy and wisdom - you will love it.