Mooji is one of the Spiritual community's most well-known leaders. Once he was an artist on the streets of London who went through a spiritual awakening and became a disciple of the Indian Guru, Papaji.
His remarkable story of 'awakening' led him to give up his 'conventional' life and spent six years in a state of near permanent meditation, accessing that part of him that knew no bounds and was in complete peace.
In this short time we spent with Mooji, we felt extremely tranquil as we explored why people get so caught up in their drama and how we can begin to step outside of our 'stories' and become the observers of our own lives.
The practise of 'I am' is something that Mooji shares with us and we are able to find that stillness and peace in ourselves.
This was truly a delightful interview to record and we felt beautifully 'held' in a sacred and yet fun space throughout - we hope that you do too.
“I have no other reason to be Here
than to be in service to the recognition
of your own Self as the Heart of existence!”
~ Mooji