Holistic healing was fortunately, very familiar to Arielle Essex when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. As a complementary health practitioner Arielle set out on a journey to discover the message that this 'dis-ease' had come to deliver. Eagerly she signed up for all manner of courses, including NLP, which might offer enlightenment as to what this message was offering. What unfolded for this feisty woman was a path of understanding of why she had been visited by this tumour and what steps she could take to manage, and eventually heal from it.
A very determined Arielle, travelled far and wide to learn as much as she could about 'mind-body' healing and was overwhelmed by the tremendous amount of love and sharing of information that she encountered along the way. Her extensive training and knowledge has now been distilled into her teachings through workshops and one to one coaching programmes as well as her writings - including her soon to be published latest book, 'Practical Miracles: Choices that Heal and Build Resilience'
Her story is one of real courage in facing the unknown and coming face to face with parts of her that had been suppressed. Few would have chosen this route. Inspiring in every way, Arielle gives us this frank and uncapped interview.