Dr. Grigori Grabovoi and the New Russian Knowledge is being unveiled to the English-speaking world. Behind what was known as the 'Iron Curtain' pharmaceutical were little known and beyond the pocket of the Russian citizens. As so often, when one door is closed to us, the human mind finds another way, and so it happened in Russia.
Dr. Grigori Grabovoi was a friend of Mikhail Gorbachev and was encouraged to research ways to find an effective and affordable way to heal the people of Russia. This plea was rewarded with what has become known as the New Russian Knowledge and it is physically and emotionally healing people all over the state of Russia.
"Out of Russia will come the hope of the world" predicted America's sleeping prophet and psychic Edgar Cayce. In the 1930's Cayce predicted the coming of the Russian Knowledge and how it would become humanities great hope.
Believing from our very core that each of us is innately ‘wired for success’ we have been intrigue by, researching and following up on the scanty information available about this ‘new Russian Knowledge’.
Said to be a knowledge that will take each of us into a state of limitless creation where we can raise our consciousness to a point where we could literally heal ourselves physically and emotionally and wait for it…. even grow back teeth, knees, restore hair colour, vision and much more.
This cell regeneration rumour really got us curious….and thankfully our search has paid off.
We found that a Russian Scientist, by the name of Dr. Grigori Gabovoi has been developing what has become known as the ‘new Russian Creator Consciousness Knowledge’…..
Marion Mace and Brian Power from E=VS are running courses in the southern hemisphere and are having remarkable results, including Brian's own extraordinary recovery from stage IV cancer.
In this podcast they share with us how this new knowledge can be used in every area of your life, even business! Look out for an online course in association with Wired For Success TV early 2014.