Episode description
In today’s Startup Therapy Podcast, Wil and Ryan talk about founders with no more upside left. Having new investors is good. Stacking up more funds to expand the company is good. Although it can turn dreadful real quick when as a founder you are left with no more room to grow. You get stuck in one spot, doing the same rigorous task day by day without any promising gains at all. Wouldn’t it be better if you get enough funding and still have more control over the decision making and better incentives?
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What to Listen For
- 00:00 Intro
- 00:11 The average founder surprisingly only earns a single digit
- 08:28 The two separate roles: the founder and the owner
- 12:24 We keep assuming we’ll get incentives externally
- 20:08 Politics 101 during board meetings
- 25:08 We have to rely on consequence