Episode description
In today’s Startup Therapy Podcast, Wil and Ryan discuss some of the advice that they would tell their younger founder selves. If you could go back in time, what would you tell your past self? Now that you’re wiser and more experienced, there are many things that you wished you would’ve done differently, but those mistakes and lessons that you had along the way is what also made you become the person you are today.
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What to Listen For
- 00:00 Intro
- 01:39 Don’t feel rushed and have more patience
- 05:07 You can do a lot of transformative things in just a few years
- 07:02 It’s okay to fail
- 07:58 Cultivating relationships
- 10:14 Find people who wants you to become a better person
- 12:00 The “give & get” in relationships
- 14:10 How relationships ends is how you get remembered
- 15:56 Just be kind to yourself
- 16:54 You have the ability to say no
- 20:14 Learn how to zoom in and out in life
- 22:22 It’s okay to let go of toxic relationships
- 24:52 Will your younger self follow this advice?
- 29:19 The big moments will be a series of big moments
- 31:29 Success is not final, failure is not fail, it’s the courage to continue that counts
- 34:37 Focus more on acting like the person you want to be vs. the person others want you to be
- 38:53 Getting older gives us all the more perspective to offer to others
- 42:34 Do it your own way
- 46:26 The most valuable part of the process is learning
- 49:53 Be in the room
- 54:09 You don’t have to figure out everything on your own