Episode description
In today’s Startup Therapy Podcast, Wil and Ryan talk about founders rushing into building their next Startup. After a successful exit, most founders are overly eager to start their next big idea and land another win. They want to act upon it while they are in the momentum and prove that they aren’t a one-hit wonder.
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What to Listen For
- 00:00 Intro
- 00:36 Is it healthy to jump to the next Startup after you sold the first?
- 05:06 At some point you’ve already won, don’t rush to the next thing
- 09:08 Give yourself time to morph into an idea
- 13:12 The best ideas doesn’t often spring from boredom
- 17:21 All the best ideas started off small and dumb, but founders don’t think like that
- 23:03 Stories of founders who succeeded on their second act
- 27:58 Give yourself time to understand the drive and identify the false motivators
- 31:11 Take a little time to know the new you post exit