Coach & writer Jen Sincero tried every self-help technique out there, then condensed the most powerful practices into one straight-talking bestseller that thousands have used to kickstart their lives. Listen in as Sincero takes you through how to bust your own self-defeating beliefs to become the badass you’ve always known you are.
Sincero, author of bestselling book You Are a Badass talks with Caitlin about negative thinking about money, how to tap into "source energy" (without getting too woo-woo), and what it's like to transform your world through transforming your own stories. Plus, she gets really honest about the negative fallout in changing your life for the better.
For more info, including links to everything discussed in the episode, check out this link:
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That excellent music you heard is by Nico Guiang. You can find more of it on [Soundcloud][7] and [Facebook][8].