What does whiteness mean? If you're a white person, the occasions on which you've thought about it might be few. If you're a person of color, the time you spend reckoning with its meaning & consequences are likely far too many. Today's episode of Simplify is an invitation to grapple with what white means in the world, and how to have more generative, revelation-ready mindsets and conversations about racism as a system.
As a Racial Justice Educator, Robin DiAngelo exhorts white people to consider what their skin color means on a cultural, economic, political, and personal level. She's written White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Race as an educational tool for white people who want to be better allies, inspect their biases, and find their way out of a racist system that continues to do harm.
For more info, including links to everything discussed in the episode, check out this link: https://www.blinkist.com/magazine/posts/simplify-robin-diangelo-white-fragility
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That excellent music you heard is by Nico Guiang. You can find more of it on Soundcloud and Facebook.