On this episode I get to talk to the GOAT of living rent free.
Mark talks to us about his early life, how his father taught him about real estate and entrepreneurship through unconventional methods and how he has successfully house hacked himself into financial freedom in one of the most expensive markets in the country.
Hear how he got started, and hear the dope government program that allowed him to purchase his four family with little to nothing down and with a 2% interest rate.
Make can be found on IG @livinrentfree and @mark.jonesii and on twitter @livinrentfree_
Books mentioned:
Black Folks Guide to Making Big Money in America
Todd Milli can be found on twitter @toddbilli and IG @partnerwithmill @todd.capital
Sponsor Fam:
Todd Capital Options Course: https://gumroad.com/l/bOUnl/milli
Todd Capital Vending Course: https://gumroad.com/l/EwSkk/First
Todd Capital - gumroad.com/toddcapital
TC Investment Club slack: launchpass.com/p/tcinvestmentclub
Invest with Teri - www.investor101.org
Notary: millinotarypromo.com
Charm City Buyers: charmcitybuyers.samcart.com/referral/sl…0LTkir6iaRh
Hood Estates Trucking: bit.ly/2JQQnlZ
Hood Estates Elite Real Estate: bit.ly/2HCXD25
Ericka Real Estate: bit.ly/2HqKiLb
Ericka Williams Youtube: bit.ly/2Co0V6N
Twenty 47 Watches: twenty47watches.com
HBCU Capital Club slack: launchpass.com/p/hbcurealtytoddcapital