What does it mean to be an effective CEO, C-Suite or Executive Leader? In this podcast our Chief Psychology Officer Dr Amanda Potter shares some of the research on what it means to be an effective leader at the highest level in an organisation. This episode is aimed at future and current leaders, as well as executive coaches or mentors of senior leaders. We look at the typical decision styles, strengths and resilience of leaders at the C-Suite level and how this compares to leading edge research from alternative organisations.
In this episode, Amanda is being interviewed by Tim Hepworth.
The Chief Psychology Officer website is https://www.thecpo.co.uk/
To contact Amanda via LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/amandapotterzircon
To contact Amanda via email: TheCPO@zircon-mc.co.uk
For more information about the BeTalent Strengths, Decision Styles or Resilience questionnaires mentioned in this podcast please go to: https://www.betalent.com
7 Characteristics of Effective CEOs
Out with the old, in with the new
What to look for in a CEO
The barriers of Effective CEOs
Following by example
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times…
What CEOs should be
Episodes are available here https://www.thecpo.co.uk/
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To access the research white papers mentioned in this and other podcasts, please go to: https://zircon-mc.co.uk/zircon-white-papers.php
For more information about the BeTalent suite of tools and platform please contact: TheCPO@zircon-mc.co.uk