In this episode, our Chief Psychology Officer - Dr Amanda Potter will be talking to Kate Oliver, Chartered Business and Coaching Psychologist and the author of 'Rise and Shine - How to transform your life, morning by morning’. They will look at the evidence showing why it is that mornings matter and discuss how a morning routine can radically boost wellbeing and success, in today’s busy and demanding world. Kate will talk about the S.H.I.N.E. method and share plenty of practical insights, tips and techniques for how you can use this to easily and enjoyably create a morning routine that works for you to create a greater mental focus throughout the working day.
In this episode, Kate Oliver is being interviewed by Tim Hepworth and Dr Amanda Potter.
The Chief Psychology Officer website is now available
To contact Amanda and Kate via LinkedIn:
To contact Amanda via email:
To order a copy of 'Rise and Shine - How to transform your life, morning by morning’, go to:
Embrace your mornings: 5 Steps to Transform your Life
The origins of Rise & S.H.I.N.E.
Time to change
The mornings can be your happy time
What to do to embrace the mornings…
Episodes are available here
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