![Daniel Tunkelang - Leading Search Consultant - Leveraging ML for query and content understanding - podcast episode cover](https://media.rss.com/vector-podcast/20220522_070529_71d7f3ebca3858a656066fb337b207c1.jpg)
Episode description
00:00 Kick-off by Judy Zhu
01:33 Introduction by Dmitry Kan and his bio!
03:03 Daniel’s background
04:46 “Science is the difference between instinct and strategy”
07:41 Search as a personal learning experience
11:53 Why do we need Machine Learning in Search, or can we use manually curated features?
16:47 Swimming up-stream from relevancy: query / content understanding and where to start?
23:49 Rule-based vs Machine Learning approaches to Query Understanding: Pareto principle
29:05 How content understanding can significantly improve your search engine experience
32:02 Available datasets, tools and algorithms to train models for content understanding
38:20 Daniel’s take on the role of vector search in modern search engine design as the path to language of users
45:17 Mystical question of WHY: what drives Daniel in the search space today
49:50 Announcements from Daniel
51:15 Questions from the audience
Show notes:
[What is Content Understanding?. Content understanding is the foundation… | by Daniel Tunkelang | Content Understanding | Medium](https://medium.com/content-understanding/what-is-content-understanding-4da20e925974)
[Query Understanding: An Introduction | by Daniel Tunkelang | Query Understanding](https://queryunderstanding.com/introduction-c98740502103)
Science as Strategy [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dftt6Yqgnuw)
Search Fundamentals course - https://corise.com/course/search-fundamentals
Search with ML course - https://corise.com/course/search-with-machine-learning
Faceted Search, by Daniel Tunkelang: https://www.amazon.com/Synthesis-Lectures-Information-Concepts-Retrieval/dp/1598299999
Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology Behind Search, by Ricardo Baeza-Yates: https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Information-Retrieval-Concepts-Technology/dp/0321416910/ref=sr11?qid=1653144684&refinements=p_27%3ARicardo+Baeza-Yates&s=books&sr=1-1
Introduction to Information Retrieval, by Chris Manning: https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Information-Retrieval-Christopher-Manning/dp/0521865719/ref=sr1fkmr0_1?crid=2GIR19OTZ8QFJ&keywords=chris+manning+information+retrieval&qid=1653144967&s=books&sprefix=chris+manning+information+retrieval%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C141&sr=1-1-fkmr0
Query Understanding for Search Engines, by Yi Chang and Hongbo Deng: https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Search-Engines-Information-Retrieval/dp/3030583333