God is a firm believer in freedom of choice. As much as he wants us to receive all the gifts that he has for us, he leaves it up to us which ones we will receive and which ones, to our detriment, we leave in his outstretched hand. The same heavenly Father who created Adam and Eve on the sixth day and the very next morning declared their first day of existence a day of rest, delight, and worship offers the same gift to us today.
But in the world that we live in, Sabbath can be a tough thing to hold onto, even for those of us who run sabbath-based ministries.
Join us for this episode as we discuss this glorious gift and how to receive it.
Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: Ceasing, Resting, Embracing, Feasting by Marva J. Dawn, one of Eugene Petersen’s favorites!
Chariots of Fire movie is the story of an Olympic athlete, missionary, and devoted Christian Eric Liddell and his commitment to the Sabbath and the miraculous things God did.
The Good for Nothing Sabbathby Eugene Petersen, Christianity Today Magazine.
Practicing the Sabbath, by John Mark Comer, a 4 week small group study with accompanying free video series
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