Gigantix. The name itself causes hearts across the galaxy to flutter with wonder and adventure. The ship of dreams. The voyager of miracles. The Jewel of the Correxian-Vermont Alliance. The finest and largest starship ever built. On a ship this perfect, they don't even need to bother with escape pods!! [note to self- insert more obvious foreshadowing here]. Yes, should be a totally normal voyage indeed for Ensign Bubbsriel (Carly Monardo), Begonia Bloodterror (Christopher Hastings), and Carboat Bin Laden (Taylor Moore). Gigantix.
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Oh These, Those Stars of Space is powered by Lasers & Feelings, the perfect ttrpg, by the brilliant John Harper
The Oh These, Those Stars of Space Theme was created, arranged, and composed by Huge Today. We like it too! Thank you for saying that!.
Additional music and sound design from the great Michael Ghelfi. Find his work on YouTube, and support that good stuff on Patreon.