LibriVox Anniversary Collections - Book 5, Part 7
Title: LibriVox 9th Anniversary Collection
Overview: This year is the 9th anniversary of our illustrious community, and readers have found and recorded 99 items with a connection with the number nine... neuf... neun... nueve...nove... девять...εννέα... There are short stories, poems, bible readings, non-fiction articles, and songs. The items are mostly in English, but this year we have one or more contributions in ten other languages: Ancient Greek, Dutch, German, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.
Published: Various
Series: LibriVox Anniversary Collections
List: LibriVox Anniversary Collections, Anniversary #33
Author: Various
Genre: Poetry, Short Stories, Short Nonfiction, General Fiction, Essays & Short Works
Episode: LibriVox Anniversary Collections - Book 5, Part 7
Book: 5
Volume: 1 of 1
Part: 7 of 10
Episodes Part: 10
Length Part: 2:13:24
Episodes Volume: 99
Length Volume: 27:00:10
Episodes Book: 99
Length Book: 27:00:10
Narrator: Collaborative
Language: Multilingual
Rated: Guidance Suggested
Edition: Unabridged Audiobook
Keywords: anthologies, historical, melodrama, philosophical, picaresque, sea story, tragedy, detective, mystery, horror, science, fiction, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, O Henry, Sir Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, JM Barrie, HG Wells, Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo
Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #anthologies #historical #melodrama #philosophical #picaresque #seastory #tragedy #detective #mystery #horror #science #fiction #NathanielHawthorne #WashingtonIrving #EdgarAllanPoe #HenryWadsworthLongfellow #OHenry #SirWalterScott #CharlesDickens #JMBarrie #HGWells #FrancoisMarieArouetdeVoltaire #AlexandreDumas #VictorHugo
Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Ruth Golding.