LibriVox Anniversary Collections - Book 9, Part 2
Title: LibriVox 13th Anniversary Collection
Overview: This year is the 13th anniversary of our beloved LibriVox. The readings in this collection celebrate that "bunch of volunteers" who make up the worldwide LibriVox community. The readings are held together by their connection to the number "13" or to the word "luck." The collection is multilingual, with recordings in English, German, and Romanian. Readings can be in any language. The selections, which are chosen by the readers, include fiction, nonfiction, poems, short stories, and articles.
Published: Various
Series: LibriVox Anniversary Collections
List: LibriVox Anniversary Collections, Anniversary #53
Author: Various
Genre: Poetry, Short Stories, Short Nonfiction, General Fiction, Essays & Short Works
Episode: LibriVox Anniversary Collections - Book 9, Part 2
Book: 9
Volume: 1 of 1
Part: 2 of 2
Episodes Part: 12
Length Part: 2:37:11
Episodes Volume: 24
Length Volume: 4:01:53
Episodes Book: 24
Length Book: 4:01:53
Narrator: Collaborative
Language: Multilingual
Rated: Guidance Suggested
Edition: Unabridged Audiobook
Keywords: anthologies, historical, melodrama, philosophical, picaresque, sea story, tragedy, detective, mystery, horror, science, fiction, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, O Henry, Sir Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, JM Barrie, HG Wells, Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo
Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #anthologies #historical #melodrama #philosophical #picaresque #seastory #tragedy #detective #mystery #horror #science #fiction #NathanielHawthorne #WashingtonIrving #EdgarAllanPoe #HenryWadsworthLongfellow #OHenry #SirWalterScott #CharlesDickens #JMBarrie #HGWells #FrancoisMarieArouetdeVoltaire #AlexandreDumas #VictorHugo
Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream. Ruth Golding.