A self-directed IRA (SDIRA) gives you more control over your investments than a standard IRA and can help you diversify your investments within your retirement account. It allows you to invest in what you know best instead of forcing you to choose from a limited set of options determined by your IRA provider. Today’s guest, Juan Deshon, is an IRA specialist at Quest Trust Company is a self-described, certified nerd when it comes to IRA accounts. Juan explains the critical difference between a self-directed IRA and a solo 401(k), why you might need a custodian for your IRA, and how to find one that suits your needs. Join in to learn more about how you can make the most out of your retirement funds through a self-directed IRA!
To see the full show notes and transcript, click here.
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86. Understanding Self-Directed IRAs and How to Find the Right IRA Custodian with Juan Deshon of Quest Trust Company | PassivePockets: The Passive Real Estate Investing Show podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast