Charlie Hartwell is the Managing Partner of Bridge Builders Collaborative, a group of highly successful investors who have been investing in start-up companies in the space of mental health, consciousness, and spirituality. Some of their investments include Pear Therapeutics, Insight Timer, Headspace, and Happify Health. A Harvard Business School graduate, Charlie has served and led organizations in 14 different industries, including starting a nonprofit in the slums of Kenya in 1986 that has now served health care to several million patients. Maureen Pelton, MSSW, is a social scientist and spiritual teacher with 36 years of professional experience as a Holistic Psychotherapist, Executive Coach, Organizational Consultant, Adjunct Faculty, and Group Facilitator. Maureen is a teacher on Insight Timer, and is a Certified Advanced Practitioner of Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy, QNRT™ and is a partner of Bridge Builders Collaborative