Episode 314 of RevolutionZ convey's an interview done before a large audience at MIT addressing the 1960s and now. What follows is a somewhat edited version of what an AI offered as a summary.
From an unsuspecting student to a committed activist here are stories of how personal experiences and institutional dynamics paved the way for a lifetime of advocacy. From a fraternity with secrets as unsettling as bugging rooms and tapping phone calls to manipulate incoming Freshmen, to harboring fugitives and planning events and riots, plus anecdotes of intense meetings and strategic career offers, how do we deal with the moral and strategic dilemmas we face. Lessons learned from the strategic challenges faced by past and present leftist movements lead to discussing the left's "stickiness problem" and the need for the left to become more inclusive of working-class perspectives and leadership. Connecting the struggles of the 1960s with today's fight against fascism, this episode offers rich insights into the evolution of political engagement and the enduring need for viable, inclusive alternatives in our political landscape.