Ep 301 NAR 16 is the last episode in the Next American Revolution sequence. In it Senator and then President Malcolm King, Governor and then Vice President Celia Curie, Lydia Luxemburg, and Bert Dellinger discuss the benefits and debits of electoral participation and the purpose and features of RPS's 2048 campaigns and their major victory in 2048 ushering in the birth of RPS transition.
This one time, below is what the AI associated with the platform I upload podcast episodes to, Buzzsprout, offered as its summary of the episode, spit forth upon its listening to the material. I employ it so you can see the kinds of writing AIs now generate.So here it is:
"Unlock the secrets to navigating the complex world of electoral politics with our final chapter in the Next American Revolution sequence, "2048 and Beyond." Have you ever wondered whether running for political office can truly bring about transformative change, or does it come at the cost of compromising core values? Join us as we explore the real-life experiences of Malcolm King and the multifaceted challenges he faced, from the pressures of fundraising to the struggle of staying connected to grassroots movements. This episode offers a candid look at the intricate dance between visibility, change, and the risk of self-aggrandizement.
Dive into the strategic depths of electoral work with compelling historical and personal anecdotes. Hear untold stories from the early days of Hugo Chavez's presidency to Celia Curie's courageous run for Governor of California. Their journeys highlight the moral tightrope walked by leaders striving to remain true to their principles amidst the temptations of political victories. Lydia's insights as the RPS shadow government president further illuminate how institutional structures can either hinder or help the path to meaningful progress. Discover the critical importance of leveraging popular support while navigating the institutional landscape to achieve far-reaching policy changes.
As we examine the nuanced relationship between radical movements and existing institutions, Miguel and Bert provide invaluable perspectives on working within flawed systems without losing sight of transformative goals. Revisit the pivotal moments that led to RPS considering a presidential run, culminating in President Malcolm King's transformative UN speech in 2049. Reflect on the broader struggle between revolutionary change and entrenched power through the lens of Malcolm's fierce debate and his vision for an equitable society. This episode promises to leave you with a deeper understanding of the intricate balance between electoral ambitions and grassroots activism."