Air Date 11/8/2024
The Best of the Left team holds a special post-election discussion available to all listeners to present the initial takes on the election as well as our own reactions and suggestions for how to move forward.
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A few worthwhile reads that gave inspiration for some of our discussion:
Democrats Blow Their Chance to Block Trump’s Resurgence - The Intercept (Discussing the Genocide in Gaza)
Harris and the Democrats Committed to a Rightward Lurch — and Lost Big Time - Truthout (Courting moderate Republicans)
Donald Trump’s Second Term Is Joe Biden’s Real Legacy - The New Yorker
I’m a Gen Z man. Here’s why so many of my peers supported Donald Trump - Fast Company (Revenge of the Bros)
This Time We Have to Hold the Democratic Party Elite Responsible for This Catastrophe - The Nation
10 Ways We Can Prepare for Another Trump Presidency - Truthout