Original Air Date: 9/19/2017
Today we look not so much at hurricanes and the climate science behind them (though we touch on that as well) but focus more on what we can see more clearly when it’s illuminated by so-called “natural” disasters, the structural inequality and legacies of decision-making that make these disasters worse than they need to be
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Show NotesAct 3: Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: U.S. Storm Edition - On The Media - Air Date 9-1-17
Act 5: Preventing future floods with data and regulation - @DecodeDC - Air Date: 09-14-2017
Act 6: The Human Causes of Natural Disasters - Popaganda from @BitchMedia - Air Date 12-8-16
(Music from Blue Dot Sessions)
We will not be silenced. Stand up for a strong NEPA! (Earth Justice)
Trump CEQ rolls out plans for swift NEPA reviews (Governors' Wind & Solar Energy Coalition)
US people of color still more likely to be exposed to pollution than white people (The Guardian)
Christine Todd Whitman: How Not to Run the E.P.A. (New York Times)
Boston Communities Unite to Democratize Their Economy (Next City)
Written by BOTL Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman