Episode description
This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: https://youtu.be/48LrD1SW20I
The Koe Letter (written version): https://thedankoe.com/letters/i-had-to-learn-these-high-income-skills-if-i-wanted-to-make-money/ If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you again for listening. 14-day cohorts: https://sprints.digitaleconomics.school
Writing & Content Course: https://2hourwriter.com
Digital Economics Masterclass (and free business course): https://digitaleconomics.school
10X Your Creative Output (free): https://7daystogeniusideas.com
The Power Planner (free): https://shop.thedankoe.com/planner
TweetHunter (where I write content): https://thedankoe.com/get/tweethunter
ShortForm + yearly discount (how I read and generate ideas): https://shortform.com/dan
Get animated shorts, reels, or videos from my agency: https://keyframe.design Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedankoe Instagram: https://instagram.com/thedankoe YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/DanKoeTalks LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/thedankoe