Dr. Kymyona Burk is Policy Director for Early Literacy at the Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd). In this role, she supports states pursuing a comprehensive approach to K–3 reading policy. She joins host Susan Lambert to give listeners a look behind the curtain of the legislative process creating education policy, including writing and passing literacy legislation, the politics of advocating for the Science of Reading within legislation, and what the results look like for states that have this legislation in place.
Show notes:
ExcelinEd profile page
The Perfect Storm: Mississippi’s Momentum for Improving Reading Achievement - The Reading League Journal
Amplify’s Virtual Symposium 2022 - Celebrating Biliteracy: Realizing a Better Future for Our Spanish Speakers
“A literacy law is an equity law … there has to be some type of consistent language around what effective reading instruction looks like in classrooms.”
— Dr. Kymyona Burk