Jill McCloughry, is a worship leader, wife to Matt, mother to three kiddos and co-leader of Colonial Church in St. Augustine, FL. Jill has such a heart and passion for leading people into the presence of God. She consistently uses her gifts of songwriting and corporate worship leading to introduce people to the person of Jesus. Truly she has given herself to work of the ministry and building of the kingdom of God.
In today's episode, Jill McCloughry joins us to share with Shelley Giglio her heart concerning what it means to remain obedient to the One who called you. In their time together they uncover what God is able to do in our hearts with hidden spaces in order to continue cultivating our gifts. This conversation lands with them reminding us that the primary longing in our hearts, even above using our gifts, should be to trust God with the gifts He's given. To learn more about all Jill and Matt are doing at Colonial Church visit colonialchurch.life/ to see all that's happening.
The Grove is a part of the Passion City Church family here in Atlanta, Georgia. Follow @pcc_thegrove on Instagram and visit thegroveonline.com for more information about The Grove heartbeat, our seasonal gatherings and FLOURISH our mentoring journey.