Today's episode is a deeply personal and transparent conversation with some of the best. Kerri Stanfill is a long time Grove friend, Grove podcast moderator and even former podcast guest. Kristian Stanfill, is husband to Kerri, worship leader at Passion City Church and lead singer of the Passion band. Together, this couple has been building and serving all things Passion since early 2005 and Kristian has been an artist with sixstepsrecords record label since 2008. They have been married 18 years and have four beautiful children Isaac, Norah, Elle + Indie.
In this conversation, Louie + Shelley Giglio sit down with Kristian + Kerri to share about Kristian's former struggle with sobriety. During this time they unpack the beauty of community, how it saved his life, his marriage and deepened his relationship with God. Kristian + Kerri also explain how these years have cultivated and birthed some very heartfelt and transparent songs in his newest album rooted from his testimony.
This episode was a special sixstepsrecords // Grove collaboration where both entities are a part of the Passion Movement here in Atlanta, Georgia. To stay connected to all Kristian is doing visit his website and follow him on IG @kpstanfill. Then make sure to go download, stream and share his new album Make It Out Alive. And, follow @pcc_thegrove on Instagram and visit for more information around all things Grove.