Episode 95 Show Notes
Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss a spike in TRIAD traffic and how we adapt to seasonal traffic. How do we keep the airspace moving safely and efficiently? We also discuss “Med Evac” operations and how we prioritize that type of operation.
Timely Feedback:
1. MVR asks about vacation bidding and short jet hops.
2. PATRON India Mike has a Bay Area IFR operational short cut.
3. PATRON Golf Tango talks about the military version of the Beech Jet.
4. PATRON Mike Echo Hotel is adding VFR flight plan to her to-do list!
5. Juliet Charlie Romeo has discovered how to speed up our rambling!
6. Tango Whiskey Tango Bravo has figured out how to make us last a full week!
1. Kilo Mike tells a story about MedEvac in a busy Class Bravo area.
2. Charlie Mike sent in a picture of a cool strip with “Venus” callsign.
3. Bravo Mike asked about a frequency in the SFRA.
We have a winner of the 5 Star Review Contest!
Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website at OpposingBases.com or find us on Twitter @Opposing_Bases. Send Feedback or Questions directly to our inbox using Feedback@opposingbases.com
Legal Notice: The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC. Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only. There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA. All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor. Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.