Episode 89 Show Notes
Topic of the show: PATRON Sierra Hotel sent in some questions about how TRIAD controllers handled an emergency/bird strike back in 2015. AG and RH discuss the incident and talk about reacting quickly during an emergency. Thank you, SH for sharing your son’s story and we are happy it ended with a safe landing at a published airport.
Timely Feedback:
1. PATRON Lima Delta Golf sent in ORD feedback.
2. Charlie November from ORD answered our questions about the multiple towers. Thank you, CN!
3. SB sent in a link to a chart supplement in Alaska. Thank you! ( https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/part-93/subpart-D )
4. Question of the Week answer from Romeo Hotel! Great work!
5. Charlie Delta from the Flying Weatherman sent in audio! Thank you!
1. Charlie Whiskey Sierra sent in Special VFR comments. LOL. Thank you.
2. PATRON Charlie Mike sent in great audio! Thank you!
3. Juliet Sierra sent in a ton of questions. We tackle the first half!
4. Charlie Alpha Whiskey want to know if RH is a robot?
Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website at OpposingBases.com or find us on Twitter @Opposing_Bases.
Send Feedback or Questions directly to our inbox using Feedback@opposingbases.com
Legal Notice: The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC. Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only. There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA. All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor. Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.