Episode 271Show Notes
Topic of the show: What type of decision making and planning is involved when a controller takes decisive action to run a squeeze play? What is a squeeze play? Why is the anatomy of a squeeze play important when evaluating a given traffic scenario? This week’s show answers all those questions and dives deep into the parts of air traffic you don’t hear on the news. As always, we keep things general and hope our listeners learn something to be better users of the NAS.
Timely Feedback:
1. SGAC Patron SE shares some more insight into a unique and challenging missed approach procedure.
2. Patron BS loved our episode last week and shares some thoughts on reading the room.
3. SGAC Patron MS and BW share audio with local perspective on the previously discussed missed approach.
1. Patron AD asks about supersonic flight at TRIAD.
2. Patron MC asks UHF vs VFH and using slang on the radio to identify a tower.
3. Patron BG asks about the printers and Class Bravo clips, for a friend of course
Mentioned on the show: The Cirrus Owners & Pilots Association (affectionately known as COPA) is a non-profit global organization made up of over 6,300 pilots, enthusiasts, and industry insiders.
The mission of COPA is to educate, promote the safety of, and support the owners, pilots, and those interested in aircraft manufactured by Cirrus. We encourage ownership, promote goodwill toward the general aviation community, and to provide social & safety activities for its Members.
There are a number of benefits of being a COPA Member, these include:
- COPA Pilot Magazine – 12 Monthly issues a year covering all things Cirrus and COPA. From travel, maintenance, instruction, equipment reviews and more.
- COPA Forums – Millions of Post on various topics
- COPA Pilot Proficiency Program (CPPP) - Check out the website for more details on this program.
- COPA Events – Annual Migration, regional gatherings
- Critical Decision-Making courses
- Partner-in-Command seminars
- COPA Member Advantage Program – Discount program
To find out more about COPA, Check out our website https://www.cirruspilots.org/
Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website. Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases. Music by audionautix.com. Third party audio provided by liveatc.net. Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com/.
Legal Notice The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC. Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only. There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA. All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor. Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.