Episode description
Podcasting 2.0 May 5th 2023 Episode 131: "Toilet Scroller"
Adam & Dave discuss the week's developments on podcastindex.org - We run with HUGE scissors! Sam Sethi joins us to discuss PodFans.fm
Sam Sethi - CEO Podfans
YouTube Podcasts is a flop
Programmatic ads are inferior compared to host read ads
Vice Media bankrupsy
You cannot monetize the network
Use Curiocaster for the Test!!
13223 v4v enabled podcasts
Joe Martin Music | Podcastindex.org - High Gravity - 15 sec intro
V4V = auto
Todd chapters with chatgpt
fediverse/fep: Fediverse Enhancement Proposals - fep - Codeberg.org
What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at Value4Value.info
Last Modified 05/05/2023 14:41:19 by Freedom Controller