Podcasting 2.0 January 13th 2023 Episode 117: "Inscrutable"
Adam & Dave discuss the week's developments on podcastindex.org - A full report on a lot of great software development!
Dave's email admin woes
Podfans Sam Sethi 300K
Set record straight on hosting companies changing chapters for Spotify
Direct card BTC purchase in Fountain, Podverse/Alby and Breez
Podcasting 2.0 Introduction - Blubrry Podcasting
GitHub - cloudflare/wildebeest: Wildebeest is an ActivityPub and Mastodon-compatible server
RSS.com Chapters questions
Boo-Bury - GitHub - valcanobacon/BoostBots: Bots which posts Booots
GitHub - dowodenum/IRCacophony: A framework for triggering sounds via IRC.
Rogan ads on video every 10 minutes
The Great Podcasting Market Correction - Bloomberg
Amazon devesting in Alexa
Nielsen One Ads Product Sets Launch Date – The Hollywood Reporter
This is the year of the RSS reader. (Really!) » Nieman Journalism Lab
What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at Value4Value.info
Last Modified 01/13/2023 14:50:40 by Freedom Controller