An Alternative to Hope: Or, The Secret Medicine for When the Thing With Feathers Stop Singing
I was inspired to make this video obviously because of John Green’s June 25th video, where he talks about taking a break from making videos because: depression, and he concludes with his familiar assurance that despair is a lie, hopelessness is a lie, that life is meaningful, and your life matters. He says he’s going to spend the month of July reminding himself that Emily Dickinson was right, “that hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.”
(The source for this episode)
Amelia's response to my response
Read this post on my newsletter here
(google doc)
On the “Metaverse”: Rich White Men Looking to Escape the World They Created
"How We Hope" by Adrienne Martin
(excellent book)