Today on The Gist, a gift. We are giving all of our listeners a taste of what Pesca Plus subscribers get each week, namely a regular episode but with an extended cut of a fantastic interview. This was our June 21, 2023 show, in which Mike interviews comic genius Steven Wright about his first novel Harold. We discuss Wright's thought process, how his rate of speech works for him, and how, after all these years, he still doesn't know if a joke is funny. Plus, we're living in a golden age of nuggets. And how the 6-3 Court isn't behaving at all 6-3.
When you subscribe to Pesca Plus, you don’t just get extended interviews with incredible guests, but you also help sustain The Gist, which, despite having been around for nearly a decade, is susceptible to the whims of the advertising market and other tomfoolery. At $8.99 per month, it’s a bit cheaper than two venti Starbucks lattes, and it helps keep independent journalism alive and well. Thanks for listening. Happy Labor Day!
Produced by Joel Patterson and Corey Wara
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