This week Jay, Rob, Number one Fan Matt and Shoeman talk Simulation Theory. Being it's our 100th episode we had to go hard. With this almost two-hour episode we talk so much Number one Fan Matt gives Jay the finger and Robs brain is burnt out by the end of the show. Fun topic because there are no real answers.
Thank you everyone who has helped us get to 100 episodes. Including
Rob, Andy, The Bumbeeno, Shoeman, Number one Fan Matt, Brent Hand, Justin Zenger, David Flora, Doc Side Media, Katrina Weidman, PAJunkie, Al from With My Dyin Breath, Twisted Ten, Mr. Bunkers Conspiracy Time Podcast, Abstenous, Campfire Tales of the Strange and Unusual, Alluring Podcast, Tom Walter, Megan, and Watch, for leaving voicemails and everyone, especially the fans that have made this podcast possible from the Facebook page to the Instagram to Tik Tok