Full transcript of episode: https://read.ourflowstate.com/transcripts/building-on-your-strengths
..:: TALK ::..
Welcome to the Talk version of Flow State. In this version, all music is removed so you can re-listen to or share a specific topic I’ve discussed. Eventually I may even expand on the topics, with longer talk only episodes discussing deep work, neurology, peak performance and of course the science of flow.
..:: Flow State Patreon Page ::..
Want access to bonus music and live sessions? Or interested in branded merch (stickers, coffee mugs, or hoodies)? Or do you just want to thank Bobby Lyte and buy him his favorite peppermint tea to help him focus?
You can do all of this and more at the Patreon page - check it out at: https://ourflowstate.com.
..:: Concussion Fix Program ::..
As mentioned, my concussion recovery was in large part due to the Concussion Fix program. If you or anyone you know is still suffering from a concussion, please check out the Concussion Fix program. It will not only accelerate your recovery, but also prevent you from potentially making your concussion worse.
Concussion Fix Program: For a 10% discount of the program use this link. Concussion Fix Free Webinar: Check out the free webinar as well. This webinar alone can be incredibly helpful in your recovery.
..:: Notes & Links From the Episode ::..
In today's episode Bobby talks about the power of doubling down on your natural talents to create more joy and more impact in the work you do. He also shares how one can learn about their natural strengths by listening to ones Flow Triggers.