Hey Podcast Family,
I wanted to take a moment to share some news with you. On December 29th, 2021, we lost our beloved friend, mentor, and co-host, Jason Brooks after his nearly two-year-long battle with cancer. If you’ve been listening to this podcast for more than a couple months, I know that Jason had a positive impact on your life. Jason was one of the best leaders I’ve known. My life, and the lives of our team members have been truly blessed by his life and legacy. Jason’s vision for his life was to unlock the brilliance in others, and that is something he, without a doubt, achieved through his relationships, his family, his leadership, his work as an author, and the impact he made through the John Maxwell Enterprise.
If you would like to share your thoughts or send your love to his family and friends, please visit MaxwellPodcast.com/Jason and leave a comment. Or, leave a comment on your favorite episode that he co-hosted. This is certainly a time of grief, but it is also a time to celebrate the life Jason lived with resilience, faithfulness, selflessness, and yes, leadership.
One of my favorite episodes we recorded with Jason was one we did earlier last year called “Encouragement Changes Everything.” For this episode, Jason surprised Mark by coming into the studio for the first time since his diagnosis. It was an incredibly inspiring episode, so if you would like to listen to that episode, go to MaxwellPodcast.com/Encourage. And again, please leave a comment and share how Jason made an impact in your life.
Jason, we love you and miss you. You were truly an example of how great leaders listen, learn, love, and lead. Until next time, my friend.